Board puzzle Thanks Mom!Give carnations to mothers ! Janken-SolitairePuzzle of scissors-paper-rock ! Cherry-BlossomPour beer into all glasses! Happy White DayWhite day' chocolate's boxed puzzle! Toilet Paper PuzzleStretch the toilet paper all over the floor! SearchlightsLight up all over the floor! Fortune Sushi RollTurn all children to the same direction! Happy ValentineVALENTINE' chocolate's boxed puzzle! Little Men Piss PuzzleExtinguish each fire with a piss! Kotatsu PuzzlePlace men into the same color kotatsu! Christmas PresentsStand Santa Clauses and kids face to face! Color DharmaMove Dharmas to the same color spots! Knight Jump Puzzle 2Get all carrots following knight movement ! Leapfrog SolitaireLeapfrog version of Peg Solitire Puzzle! Toilet PoseSit dwon or stand up for toilets! Double CouplesJoint lines and make couples! Peg-Solitaire 2Puzzle jumping over an adjacent ball. Tatami Mat PuzzleTurn tatami mats with all horses napping ! <<Before Next>>