Let's Play! Leapfrog PuzzleLeapfrog to the same color spots! Sliding DachshundJoint the dachshund's bodies! SAFARIOpen panels without lions ! Sliding InsectsMake pair panels with the same insects ! HopscotchPopular children's playground game. Turning TurtlesUpturn all turtles ! Cycle ColorBrain exercise by bicycle color. Knight Jump PuzzleGet all carrots following knight movement ! Reversi PuzzleTurn all disks Black or White ! Sliding ElephantSlide the elephant to the EXIT ! PENTOMINOStandard pentomino puzzle. Peg-SolitairePuzzle jumping over an adjacent ball. Tower of HanoiStandard version of Hanoi Tower. Japanese Abacus SOROBANLet's calculate with the Japanese abacus! CRANE GAMEA famous arcade game! Match PuzzleMathematical puzzle using matches. Bike RoadSlide and joint roads. Equal 51Make 51 with numerical cards. <<Before