Let's Play! Double CouplesJoint lines and make couples! Match Puzzle (Complicated ver.)Mathematical puzzle using matches. Complicated ver Tower of Hanoi MatryoshkaMatryoshka doll version of Hanoi Tower! Furnitures PuzzleClear all furnitures! Handstand CalculationCalculate with standing on your hands! Harvest of VegetablesClear vegetables by matching the same ones! Tamdem BicyclesMake tandem bicycles ! Chopsticks GameGet foods with chopsticks ! Peg-Solitaire 2Puzzle jumping over an adjacent ball. Tatami Mat PuzzleTurn tatami mats with all horses napping ! Panel CalculationNumerical panel puzzle. Swap Hanoi TowersSwap version of Hanoi Towers. Block BallStandard action ball game! Toilet PuzzleOpen all toilet doors without a sitiing man ! Check TetrominoTetromino puzzle with checked pattern. Leapfrog ChangeChange positions by leapfroging! Match Puzzle MultiplicationMultiplication puzzle using matches. Switch DogTurn off all rooms' light! <<Before Next>>