Lights out Nabe Bugyo PuzzleGet all men sat on the same color table! Mushroom PuzzleOpen all panels with the mushroom thief ! Air conditionaersTurn off all air conditioners ! Cherry-BlossomPour beer into all glasses! Fortune Sushi RollTurn all children to the same direction! Little Men Piss PuzzleExtinguish each fire with a piss! Kotatsu PuzzlePlace men into the same color kotatsu! Christmas PresentsStand Santa Clauses and kids face to face! Toilet PoseSit dwon or stand up for toilets! Tatami Mat PuzzleTurn tatami mats with all horses napping ! Toilet PuzzleOpen all toilet doors without a sitiing man ! Switch DogTurn off all rooms' light! Turning TurtlesUpturn all turtles ! Reversi PuzzleTurn all disks Black or White ! <<Before