Let's Play! Sliding ValentineMake pair with boy and girl ! Setubun ShootingDefend the daughter ! Box-School PuzzleBox the sdudents in the school ! Bedclothes PuzzleTake away all bedclothes! Stepping-StonesTrace the boy and girl's footprints ! Kotatsumuri FamilyMove a kotatsumuri and make 3 match ! Meeting Place PuzzleSlide men and make 3 match ! Present TracingTrace presents! Holiday Sleepy PuzzleMove family member and make 3 match ! Chimney PlumbingJoint Santa Claus and children! Slide Sweet ShopSlide the boy and girl panel to the exit! Sweet Potato Bhoo!Select no breaking wind potatos! Drunk Dad ShootingShoot drunk daddy ! Drunk Lights OutGet all men drunk ! Hot Plate PuzzleMove a food and make 3 match ! Leaf PeepingTrace the boy and girl's footprints ! Rolling PumpkinKeep the pumpkin center! Counting 100 SheepsSum up sheep numbers! <<Before Next>>