Boy character games Moving to New DesksChange desks position of boys and girls! Grass RollingBrekout game on the grass! Tossing CelebrationToss the boy into the air ! KOTATSUMURI PuzzleSlide kotatsus and make 3 match ! Bath Counting 100Sum up bath numbers! Sliding ChocolateSlide the girl to the exit! Locker ValentineOpen a locker with a chocolate ! Rush Hour PuzzleMove passengers and make 3 match ! KOTATSUMURIBreakout game with a kotatsu! Get Up Early!Raise all members! Panel Calculation DivisionNumerical panel puzzle. Winter JacketPut a jacket on the girl ! Daddy SeesawControl the girl ! Whack-a-BoyfriendsHit the boys, but don't hit the mom ! Grandma Lap NappingNap with the head in the grandma lap ! Family MorningGet up early and have a breakfast ! Electric Fan Aaah!!Don't touch the Electric fan! Summer HomeworkHelp me do my homework! <<Before Next>>