Gentleman character games Daddy and HorseChange position of the daddy and the horse! Daddy CraneThe daddy plays crane game! Flower ViewingTile the picnic sheets around the cherry blossom! MILK PuzzleClear milk bottles by matching the same ones! Present for YouControl the boy to the girl! Sleepy Family PuzzleClear members by matching the same ones! Wash-Back PuzzleWash neighbor's backs without a lonly man ! Family PicnicGet the families on the bus ! Valentine RouteHand the men chocolates ! Devils Out !Slide the big devil panel to the exit! Handsome(?) Block BallThe daddy defends her daughter !? Seven Gods of Good FortuneVisit the Seven Gods! Rolling DaddyStop the rolling daddy! WORKING TIMEClear works by matching the same ones! Santa is Coming to TownControl the Santa ! Nabe Bugyo PuzzleGet all men sat on the same color table! Muffler SharingJoint the muffler! SANTA CRANEControl the claw to drop the present! <<Before Next>>